Contemporary Iberoamerican International Thought

Among specialists in the discipline of International Relations (IR) it is often said that the interpretation of the events taking place in the world arena is a quasi-monopoly of Anglo-Saxon schools and that Ibero-Americans who study these events are not very fond of theoretical interpretation, and as a result they prefer to use and rely on theories that have been developed outside the region to analyse the world.
This book constitutes, in this sense, a presentation from an Ibero-American perspective of several thinkers who have the potential of enriching the discipline of International Relations, but who have also been ignored by traditional Anglo-Saxon
narratives. The contributions contained here seek to criticize the absence of these intellectuals in IR’s conventional narratives and restore the relevance of their international thought. While not all of them sought to theorize about International Relations, their writings, nevertheless, often shed considerable light of world affairs.